Let’s go GREEN !

The indoor jungle trend is on the go and what’s not to love about it! Plants are our green “friends” as they soothe our eyes, create a natural ambience, provide us clean air and add so much to the look of a space. The tropical leaf trend is so “in”, be it dresses, wall art and paintings, you get to see it EVERYWHERE! So, here’s my advice on how to incorporate these green buddies into your living space.

1.  Go Big! Plant a TREE.

Yes, invest in a tree for your living room and see it come to life( quite literally). Sometimes, all a place needs is a big plant/tree in a basket. You can put it in a empty dull corner and completely change the look of it. My personal favorites are the fiddle leaf and olive tree.



2. Bonsai is the CHARM!

Even though these little Bonsai trees are considered a lucky charm by many, I find them charming due to their structure. These little trees look magical wherever you place them and there’s not one to pick from! They last for quite a long time(100 to 5000 years). One has options like Japanese maple, rose, coconut, oak, Chinese elm and many others to pick from.



3. Hang in with the Cacti!

Cactus is a low maintenance indoor plant, saving you from the worries of watering and pruning. They come in different shapes and sizes, and are often used together in bunch of different forms. You can also a decorate a stack of cacti with different shapes, sizes and planters.



4. A full fledged VERTICAL GARDEN!

Vertical gardens are essentially a whole wall dedicated to plants which purify air, maintain the temperature and cut down on your energy needs! It is high maintenance but if you care about the environment, which you should, you can incorporate this in your house and it will pay-off!



5. A play on the LEAVES!

There are different shapes and colors of leaves which can add a different dimension to the look of your house. Mix, match and don’t stop there, you can incorporate leaves in the wall art you install or the paintings as well. The two-toned snake leaves are my favorite and definitely add a depth.


So, the next time you look for something to accentuate the look of your room buy an indoor plant! You can never regret it if you use these tips while choosing one.


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